Make Flex-Items Wrap Onto a New Column

Make Flex-Items Wrap Onto a New Column

Use Flexbox in CSS to create multiple columns

You need to master both Flexbox and CSS Grid in order to professionally build modern websites & web apps. If you haven't mastered both of them yet, I highly recommend going through my CSS Course.

You need to use flex-direction: column together with flex-wrap: wrap to make flex-items wrap onto a new column. Here's an example from another article I wrote:


That's because Flexbox works with 1 direction: either horizontal (row) or vertical (column).

The default is horizontal (row), so when there is not enough space left for an additional flex-item it will wrap onto a new row (if you have set flex-wrap to wrap, otherwise it will overflow the container).

To change the direction to vertical (column), set flex-direction to column. Then, when there is not enough space left for an additional flex-item it will wrap onto a new column (if you have set flex-wrap to wrap, otherwise it will overflow the container).

By the way, I think CSS is the 'bottleneck' to most websites & web apps. I believe it's the highest-ROI skill you can master.

Before I mastered CSS, I lost a ton of time & energy fiddling around with CSS.

I was learning about advanced JavaScript topics when I couldn't even implement basic layouts in CSS...

So I created a CSS course to help you avoid the same mistake. Check it out here if you're interested.

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